Sunday, May 07, 2006

Visions of Peace
Hi Rose,Today in my friend's car driving in Kaneohe on our way to Windward Mall. On the Koolau Mountains,I saw angels in various forms. I told her when we got to Windward Mall. So we went to Windward city mall, showed her one angel in Koolau mountains,then she saw one. As I got out of her car,I looked at Koolau,I saw figure of Sacred Heart with his arms outstretched.I told my friend about this,she said "Wow your visions are getting stronger. I got no messages from this visions. I felt peaceful and I got chicken skin. Later when we were in Ross' at Windward City Mall,we smelled flowers,She thought it was violets. We had just put flowers at her Grandmother's and Great Grandmother's grave at Greenhaven. I looked at her and said" They are saying Thank you." She agreed.Was there a message to my visions?Love,t


Rose said...

Aloha Trevina

Did you post this before or am I having Deja vu?
This was an amazing and beautiful experience you had! There was no message other than that you were in a wonderful spiritual state to receive the visions and your grandmothers took you there.How blessed you both are. Gorgeous experience.
Thank you for sharing it with us.

T said...

yes I reposted