Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!
I went to 7 am service,LT(7/17/67) was there ,I had a dream he was there I was wearing dress that I really did wear today. In the dream we spoke to each other. In church today, he and I said nothing to each in church. I do miss him,we have not spoken,emailed,in months. In my dream, he sat next to me,apologized took a flower from my hair, and earring. When I asked him why an earring, he said we were apart so long ,he wanted a part of me. My question is why does his sister (RTF 10/31/74)repeatedly tell me he is moving to Las Vegas? part of me wants him to move,I want to do things at the church we both attend,whenever I feel like doing it ,I do not want to see him there,people know we were friends.
BTW do you still read palms. I swear this morning, while waiting for the bus I saw M,LT in my palm. Later the M looked like an X
Friday at service, I was meditating Mary came to me, kiss my third eye. How long does it take this thing to open? mine seems to take forever.
When I mediatate , hear polynesian words like malama malama etc in hawaiian means to take care of,Samoan sunset, not sure why I hear that
I have not called shamanic lady being thinking about it again.
Love,TAW 5/17/67

1 comment:

Rose said...

Aloha T

Yes, I still read palms.
LT is moving to Vegas, he keeps changing the time frame. Do the things you want to do in chruch regardless if he is there or not. You must follow your heart, not fade in his shadow. You saw LT in your palm because he is/was on your mind. The lines change very quickly. I have never seen an M change into an X but it is possible.
Happy Easter darling woman