Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Hey Rose, there are a few things I have questions about and would love to get an answer to any or all of them. First of all I am wondering which path feels right as for as a destination to live. My boyfriend has a few years of school left here, but I feel like maybe we should go ahead and move sooner (we don't have to money right now, though). I'm also wondering about my career, as I'm not really happy with it. I'd like to know if there is any way I can develop my abilities again better - I got where I was getting pretty good at psychic and medium type stuff a while back, but I feel I've lost it all. Also, we'd like to have a little girl....Another thing is that I've always tried to help a friend of mine out with his musical career but I never seen to contact the right person who could help him. Do you happen to get any info as to who I could contact who could really help him out? Anything else you pick up would also be wonderful. I'm not expecting you to answer all of these questions, but just whatever out of this comes to you! =) Also, my dad's cousin Star Boomer - I didn't know her, but she is missing I'm pretty sure she would be dead, but if so do you pick up on where they may find her body? Anything you pick up about any of this would be greatly appreciated.
M. A. E. 8/26/77


malissa456 said...

If you can only tune in on one thing and would prefer me not post all these questions, I'd choose to have you focus on the situation with Star's disappearance.
Thanks so much!

Rose said...

Aloha Malissa,

Wow! That was so much information!
Please post one or two questions realted to you and let me get to that first.
Rememebr your initials and date of birth and the same for your boyfriend.
It's not the right time to move.


malissa456 said...

Thanks Rose. My date of birth is 8/26/77. Mike's is 4/1/74 .. my initials are m.a.e and his r.m.h. You're probably right about now not being the right time and it probably wouldn't be possible anyway financially. Do you see anything for me or Mike? Do you have a feeling about when would be the right time for us to move and how it could be possible for us to do so?
Also do you think it is possible for me to develop to be able to do what you do. I think everyone can meditate and get better but you either have it or you don't. I want to have it!