Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hi Rose,

In December,you wrote : that you sense problems with Russ be prepare yourself psychologically.

what kinds problems? us breaking up?

TAW 5/17/67

RCS 9/1/64



Rose said...

Hi T,

In ordere for this relationship to end it is you that will have to break up with him. I sense that his physical and emotional availability will not be to your liking.

Much love,

T said...

Rose,I know I will do the breaking up,I had a dream that i wa s pregnant and broke up with him.
Tasha asked me if I would give him ultimatum , I am not there yet.

Rose said...

Morning T,

I believe that an ultimatum isn't as effective as following your own truth and heart and lifting the veil of denial.

God's Hand is in everything. It will be all right.

Love, Rose

T said...

Thank you,Rose,
He and I had issues during thanksgiving. I wanted time to figure things out, he was in lots of physical pain. he hur the top part of his back. He was grouchy.
I spend time,thinking,praying.