Monday, December 27, 2010


hi Rose,
a couple weeks ago, my sister and i were in a store and we smelt mom's perfume it was very strong,there was no one near us. we both said hi ,it went away. last week at work,I was texting my sister,it came again, i told tasha and she texted hi mom just a i said it,the smell went way. last night i was talking to russ,i smelt baby powder,so strong, that happened last week as well
Love ya,T


Rose said...

Aloha T,

Your sensory intuition is very accurate, you are not imagining these things.

I sense problems with Russ, please prepare yourself psychologically.

You and your sister would be fortunate to move in together.

Much love,

T said...

Thank you,Rose
Ok thak you for warning.
Love ya,T