Thursday, December 16, 2010


hi Rose,
my office moved to smaller location. we are cramped with 3 other units. one unit is so angry and they scream,argue,so negative. Today i stayed the energy there got to me. I feel drained daily.
do you have any suggestions for me to get negativity way? and not to affect me in the beginning?
Love ya,T


Rose said...

Hi Trevina,
Here a some techniques I use.

Before you enter the office, and you can do this before you leave home, surround yourself with an "envelope" of white light; zip lock the edges of it. When you get to the office door, visualize your Higher Power's name or a sacred sound. Starting with the top of your head, in a clockwise motion swirl the Name or Sound around you in a spiral downward motion until it reaches your feet. Really focus and concentrate when you do this.
Next when you are seated at your desk and the bad enegry is coming toward you visualize mirrors around you facing outward; these mirrors reflect the energy back and it doesn't pass the mirrors and get near you.
Let me know how it goes for you.
Love you,

T said...

Thank you,Rose
I will try that monday
love ya,T