Saturday, February 25, 2012

To Ta - Positive Light

Dear Rose, I got chili and woke up early this morning. And I saw you on Bio just like I did last year. This time, I noticed that you had to cope with many dark aspects of these bad guys to catch them. So it must not be easy and kind of hard for you to see these visions, even though you love catching bad guys. I noticed that you go through a lot for these predictions to help us. Please forgive me for not noticing how heard it is for you to go through all your visions and I deeply thank you so much for helping all of us, all the time. Thank you for your kind prediction for telling me that I would see my Mama before something happens to her. I saw her as you predicted and it seems that she looks a lot healthier than last time I saw her. She looks more fit rather than being over weight. Again, thank you so much for helping us!! With warmest Alohaoxoxoxo,Ta

P.S. Rose, I wish I knew about the Mililani fair!! I really wanted to go...You have got to post it on your facebook too!! I was checking your facebook all the time!!Well, I should have checked your website:) Sorry! and Love youxoxoxoTa (Takako Friend)


Rose said...

Aloha Ta!

Very good to hear from you. The next Mililani Fair is on March 10th, sorry about that, I must have forgotten. I have a new websitie Please see it.
I am very happy to hear your mother is well and happy.
You're welcome Ta and I am honored by your trust.

Ta said...

Dear Rose,

Thank you so much for your 100% accurate predictions for us!!

I am so amazed how you could see, my trading contest and being so busy (You said, "later this year you will be very busy for the things you have been away from"). And I am back and forth between two houses in Maine and Hawaii (You said that you see "good retirment life." "two houses", etc).

And you were sooo accurate for all the family matters which we should not discuss about from Finance to Medical.

I told Mama that she will live a long time, when she said she would like to live long long time. I told her that you (our best family Psychic. Just like lawyers, doctors, we always have the best!!) told me that mama lives long. She was so happy to hear that!!

Thank you very much for your amazing reading as always!!

With warmest Alohaxoxo,

Ta said...

Oh, I forgot the most important thing. Thank you very much for your kind info on the next Psychic Fair!! I will be there on the 10th!! Yeah!! I can not wait!! LuvLuvoxoxoTa