Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Hey Malissa...aloha!

If you can give me Ms. Houston's date of birth I can let you know where her moon is.

Good to hear from you.



malissa456 said...

This website says her data is August 9, 1963, 8:55 PM. Not sure if the time is correct, but it puts her rising as Pisces with an Aries moon. Looks like shows this data, too, and that site is usually pretty reliable.
I'd like to look at your chart sometime! I wish I could tune back in and awaken my psychic powers. I need to start meditating again.

Rose said...

There ya go Melissa. You can awaken your intuition at any time. I'd avoid the term "psychic powers", as the power belongs to the Highest Power, we are but channels for the information.


malissa456 said...

true. I didn't really mean to use that term.