Saturday, June 04, 2011

Can I complete to write a reseach paper in Japan?

Hi, Rose
Sorry to ask questions several times, but it is an imprtant decision for me.
I decided to go back to my country from Australia to Japan in the end of August.
I am still enrolling a student at University in Australia, but I will write my research paper in Japan as off-campus mode.
1)I am little bit worried this situation, can I complete my research paper in Japan such a situation?
2) Do I need to come back to Australia to complete my research paper?
3) Can I get a job in Japan?
4) Do you think I will do a Ph.D after finishing my master? If so, where will I do my Ph.D course?
13 of Novemeb


Rose said...

Aloha api

I tell everyone that it is their own intuition that is best for them. You are a very inelligent woman and can make the right choices. 1) You can complete your research paper in Japan, yes, there are more distractions but you can do it. 2) Yes, I see you returning to Australia to complete this, a return is there but it is not necessary, no harm will come from your return there. 3)Yes you can get a job in Japan, please be sure you are doing what you love, not just for money. 4) Yes you can get a PhD, it feels like America to me.
Peace and Light,

api said...

Aloha, Rose

Thank you for your reply.
I am too nervous now, sorry.

One day, I would like to see you in Hawaii.I love Hawaii!!!


Rose said...

Nervousness, worry and anxiety never bring us closer to our goals.