Tuesday, November 02, 2010


Last night,I dreamt you and I were saging,prtting hawaiian salt and placing crystals in my new house. I prayed in doorways. We talked about furniture,and stuff. My friend EMY(6/30/56)
kept calling me,wanting to come over nd hinting she wanted (ok needing to ) move in.
after moving in, i took classes that lead to future career.
Love,Taw 5/17/67


Rose said...

Trevina my dear,

This dream sounds like a vision of what is to come true in ordinary reality! I would be honored to bless your house with you.
Very nice dream, all of it... except for EMY moving in LOL.


T said...

thank you
I would love to be in the house and bless it with you.
I "feel" this place.
Russ got a job teaching today on the big island. he told me by saying lets get popcorn machine. We saw cool tv room in this house.
Love ya,T