Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Metaphysical Consultant

Hi Ms. Rose;
Happy Holidays and Happy Hanukkah to the you. Rainy Mist wanted me to asked... We are losing a team member at the end of this month, we have done what ever we could to find someone to replace this person (Ad in the newspaper, word of mouth) We have even called a temp service for early part of January to fill the position temporaily. It is not something we would like to do or can afford long term. Unfortunately no one has called from the ad. What is your take on finding someone soon?

Intuition tells me that we will be ok. however it just doesn't come fast enough...LOL I know in God's time and not mine.

Love to you and the boardies,

sw 6/19/63 LM 12/30/67


Rose said...

Aloha Hangelgirl

The postion will be filled after the holidays. I do not sense a need for a temp worker, not more than one or two shifts anyway.
The next one is young, slim and caucasian or light skinned local girl. Reddish hair.
See you at Roosevelt?

Hangelgirl said...

Yes, I will see you at roosevelt. Am looking forward to it this year for some reason. Am glad I am getting plugged back in. It is time.