Thursday, March 01, 2012

Message from the Universe

There are no sane reasons to limit a dream, My Precious Child.
After all, you don't have to deliver it. I do.

The Universe


Lysa Brown said...

Aloha Rose....speaking of dreams, I had a dream where there was this fairy like being who had put forth this magickal energy for protection purposes-she hovered a few feet above the ground. Well I went to her for protection and told me I had to continue the work...Only I had to kill one person in exchange for the power to protect humanity.I did indeed kill this one person (I believed it was for the greater good) Then I had the responsibility and I then too would hover above the ground ready to send out the energy when needed. My roomate at the time told me in the middle of the night I screamed and was crying-probably at the idea of having to kill someone. Can you shed any more light onto this dream of mine

Rose said...

Aloha Lysa,

Too much television girl, protective fairies will never direct someone to kill anyone for any reason. No killing for greater good or for any reason! I believe it is impressions from the world interpretated by your subconscious mind. It does not feel like prophecy or foretelling to me.
No negativity before sleep...program your mind to see beauty.

Lysa Brown said...

I dont watch too much tv -although I can not positively say that this dream wasnt partly derived from some other programming. Killing sounds really harsh, however, do you agree that some things have to give way to other things during various cycles. Isnt destruction a part of the life cycle as well-however ephemeral...Doesnt death give way to life and vice versa? Isnt death a transition or transformation into something else? Maybe it was my own physical form I had to kill-symbolically-in order to have more energetic powers?

Rose said...

Aloha Lysa,

Yes, you are absolutely correct that death is symbolic of transition, usually it's the death of the ego that leads to this spiritual transition. The death of the ego certainly leads to the emptiness and clarity that leads to the ability to become a vehicle for mystical energy. The power is not ours, rather we are then able to become a vehicle of Its transmission.
Great discussion! Thank You Lysa.


Lysa Brown said...

I concur Rose....death of the ego to become a conduit. This feels more like what happened. Thank you

Rose said...

You're welcome Lysa

Lysa Brown said...

Hi I am away at this job in va....I wondering will I meet someone a potential partner in love?