Monday, April 18, 2011

Just Curious

Hi Rose, I often experience dejavu's - had one when I met my husband. It felt like I traveled through a tunnel of time but time stood still. It wasn't a feeling of attraction as much as a feeling that I knew him already - like he was a really good friend - but I had never met him before. I honestly didn't think we would end of together but here we are 30+ years later. ;+) I have these experiences every so often, but can't make them happen. They just pop up at unexpected times. It's hard to put into words and even harder for people to believe - me included! So I was wondering, what your psychic experiences are like? How would you best describe them? Can't wait to hear about yours. Still keeping you in my prayers!

1 comment:

Rose said...

Aloha R.W.

Really great experiences with the deja vu, and your recollection of them is outstanding.
My experiences vary. Sometimes I can get really quite, and empty feeling like I am an open-ended vessel. Those times I am kinesthetically connected to everything in my enviornment.
When I "deliberately" travel, there are different levels of observation I go into. Sometimes, like the "River Rat" case I am transported and fully experience another location with minimal regard to my ordinary reality. Doing readings here I hear the question then grab the first intuitive impression I get.

Thank you for praying for me! I am honored... Peace, Rose