Monday, October 18, 2010

Off of my "Flow"

Aloha Rose,
I feel that I am off of my "flow" or course in life. Ok, it took a wrong turn, and it's at a stand-still. Do you see a fulfilling romance in my near future? Should I pursue a career in acting or something else? If the answer is something else, can you tell me what might be good for me? Thank you.
Many blessings,


Rose said...

Aloha GS

I see a fulfilling romance yes, be patient, not on your clarity of purpose.
Humm...I don't feel that acting is the right path. I can see you having a talk new-agey radio show though.You have a Taurus moon,so you're probably more secure with a steady paycheck...acting can't offer that. I tell everyone that your intuition for you is better than anyone else's. Pray to ask and meditate for listening.
Many blessings back to you!

Anonymous said...

Aloha Rose,

Do animals (pets) reincarnate? What do you see in 2012(The apocalypse)? I hope this isn't too heavy.

gs said...

Aloha Rose,
Thank you very much for your insight. I think you are on the mark. I would love to be an actress(but it's so iffy financially, and I need to eat), I think the radio show would be somethig that I can be passionate about.