Friday, December 01, 2006

Divorcing and Scared

Thank you Rose. Security is a big issue for me. I as well as my mother just has a CT scan done a couple days ago. Me for the Crohns disease, my mother for something different.

I am really concerned about my mother. They said they found a tumor on her ovary. Needless to say they sent her to a GYN Oncologist. With whom she has an appointment next week. They doctor are moving fast and don't seem to be taking the results lightly. Do you see cancer for my mother? Her initials are: KJK (KJM maiden) Birthdate March 12, 1946.

Hope your Thanksgiving went good ( if you celebrate). Mine was great. Spent it with my oldest son and his fathers family. What are your plans for Christmas, if you celebrate? I know here in Virginia it gets very cold and sometimes it will snow, I couldn't imagine being in a warm climate for Christmas. It must be beautiful. Can't wait to get to Hawaii some day!

1 comment:

Rose said...

Aloha Jennifer

Your mother will receive the best care possibly. If it is cancer she will not die from it.
Hawaii is beautiful all year round, Christmas lights are every where but not as much as in new York.
It's still strange to me, after living here 25 years, to see christmas trees riding in convertibles with the tops down.
Santa surfs here :)