Saturday, April 01, 2006


hi Rose,
I had a dream that my former co-workers (3 of the are Christian and 3 are Catholic)
and I were sitting in coffeehouse,
discussing religion,right outside the coffeeshop was a bulletin board.
The bulletin board had post-it notes. On the post-it notes,people wrote
their feelings about God.
I walked to the bulletin board,when I got there I saw three young asian boys
were sittting under crying because they could not write on bulletin board.
I divde my paper in four section , I let each one write and the youngest drew on it.
Once i put the paper on the bulletin board,I woke up and felt peace.
any thoughts on this dream?

1 comment:

Rose said...

Good Morning T

This is a very beautiful dream! The first impression is a good one, you being a vehicle thru which children and "talk to" God. How's the daughter search going?
