Saturday, February 18, 2006

Yes, Yes, Yes

Hey Rose, Yes i will be selling the house and moving.....I'm taking this all very slow and thoughtful. That is unless i get a very clear message to make a decision quickly...Sometimes that happens. I'm listening to all my intuitive messages. Sorry to hear to cant find the egg. Maybe I could get a phone reading sometime, and pay you with another egg, or yours might show up again. Sandy 8-12-64. Been working on my website, I currently have a professional photographer taking new pictures of eggs. website is if anyone wants to look at them, and please sign guestbook...I think that is so cool, I print the responses and put them in my hardcopy scrapbook.

1 comment:

Rose said...

Aloha Sandy

I just visited your website, and so did my daughter. We signed the guestbook. Your work is so delicate and beyond beautiful. I browsed there so need to email a price list. You will be increasingly more successful. I must have given my egg to someone for a gift. I feel as if all the Boardies are my children and I am VERY proud of you.