Rose Kopp Intuitive Counselor - Licensed Professional - Compassionate Confidential - Readings and Spiritual Counseling on the Internet since 1998. Available for private sessions and parties.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
2006 fertile year?
Rose, So is 2006 year year of weddings and babies? Any numeralogical preidctions for 2006? love,T
I get my numerological forcast from Beverly Lyons. I haven't contacted her yet. You post motivates me to do so. I am not getting married! Why does everyone think that? You are very close to getting your daughter though, that will happen this year. smmoch ~R
1 comment:
Aloha T
I get my numerological forcast from Beverly Lyons. I haven't contacted her yet. You post motivates me to do so.
I am not getting married! Why does everyone think that?
You are very close to getting your daughter though, that will happen this year.
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