Monday, September 26, 2005


I'm trying to post another photo of one of my Guru's. I follow the direction but only get sometype of java script code instead of a photo. Do you know why?


Kathi said...

hi rose-
it's possible that your "tag" is broken. you have to make sure that the code is written correctly.

so basically, what you want to make sure is that you have a tag at the start and that you close that tag. otherwise, you will have a jumble of letters, etc. that is that pointy sideways left/right figure above the comma and period keys. sorry, i really do not know the name of those things. i hope i didn't confuse you even more.

this link
is to a page that should get you started on html stuff. if you scroll down, it explains how to add images to your page.

just remember for every tag that you open, make sure you close it.

Rose said...

Jeez Louise!! :(
I'll work on learning it this weekend when my brain is not so fried from nursing heroin addicts.

Thank you very, very much.